
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 18, Ep 108


Week 18: "Distant yet so close is the relationship between man and woman"

Episode 108 (2/7/2015)

Before returning to Hokkaido after Eichiro's funeral, Massan stops by to see Mr. Nonomura and Mr. Watari to talk to them about getting a distillation machine to make apple brandy. Mr. Watari asks if he isn't actually planning to use the machine to make whisky but Massan swears that he won't make whisky until they give him their permission.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 18, Ep 107


Week 18: "Distant yet so close is the relationship between man and woman"

Episode 107 (2/6/2015)

After hearing of Eichiro's death, Ellie and Massan rush to Osaka. They show up and find Mr. Kamoi standing alone in the storehouse. He thanks them for coming from such a long distance, and Ellie just goes up to him with tears in her eyes and hugs him. Massan tries to express his condolences but Mr. Kamoi asks him to skip the formalities. He then pours them each a glass of the whisky that Eichiro was working on before he died and they both take a sip. Mr. Kamoi asks them how it tastes and they both say that it is good, but Mr. Kamoi contradicts them by saying that it's not good. He says it is still young (as was his son), too young.

Recap - Massan Week 18, Ep 106


Week 18: "Distant yet so close is the relationship between man and woman"

Episode 106 (2/5/2015)

Hana tells Toshio that she likes him and asks him how he feels. He is so surprised by her confession that he can't find the words to respond right away but he then finally starts to tell her his life story. His father wasn't around growing up and his mother passed away 20 years ago leaving him with no knowledge about how a marriage or family life is supposed to be like.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 18, Ep 105


Week 18: "Distant yet so close is the relationship between man and woman"

Episode 105 (2/4/2015)

Hana asks Toshio what he thinks about her marriage proposal set up by her father, and Toshio tries to mention that all though it's good he is tall and a hard worker, Toshio can't see someone who doesn't drink as being a good partner for her. Hana then asks him what kind of man would be a good match for her but Toshio doesn't give her an answer and just tells her that it is for her to decide.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 18, Ep 104


Week 18: "Distant yet so close is the relationship between man and woman"

Episode 104 (2/3/2015)

Ellie goes to Massan to talk to him about Hana's marriage proposal but Massan says that it is up to Hana to decide. She then asks if Kumatora is happy about it and Massan responds that he isn't sure. She asks about Toshio next and Massan doesn't understand why she would ask about Toshio (obviously not making the connection that Toshio likes Hana). Ellie explains it to him but he still thinks that Ellie is overthinking it.

Recap - Massan Week 18, Ep 103


Week 18: "Distant yet so close is the relationship between man and woman"

Episode 103 (2/2/2015)

Spring has finally come in Hokkaido and Massan's apple juice sales are doing well. Ellie and Emma have adjusted to their life in Hokkaido as well, and Toshio and Hana still argue over every little thing. Ellie stops their bickering as she begins to see what is really going on. 

Recap - Massan Week 17, Ep 97 - 102


Week 17: "A fool may give a wise man counsel"

Episode 97 - 102 (1/26/2015 - 1/31/2015)

A month has passed since Massan opened his Hokkaido Juice Company and the production of apple juice is coming along smoothly. Emma is now in third grade and is beginning to notices differences in her appearance between her and her mother. The school is planning to have the parents visit their class so the children are told to write an essay about their family to present on the day.