
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 15, Ep 88


Week 15: "We meet, only to part"

Episode 88 (1/15/2015)

It's night and Ellie joins Massan out on the porch. She tries to make small talk and brings up that Massan hasn't been his normal self lately and that he doesn't seem happy. Massan tries to downplay it and tells her that this is the best he can be. Ellie asks if he would like to quit working at Kamoi shop but even her mention of the idea upsets Massan. Ellie just wants to help him though and without him knowing, she goes to visit Mr. Nonomura (their landlord).

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 15, Ep 87


Week 15: "We meet, only to part"

Episode 87 (1/14/2015)

Massan and Ellie receive a package from Kumatora in Yoichi. It's a wooden box filled with Hokkaido apples. Massan is reminded of his time in Hokkaido and tells Ellie that he would really like to go back someday. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 15, Ep 86


Week 15: "We meet, only to part"

Episode 86 (1/13/2015)

Massan has returned to being head of the whisky distillery. Ellie is at home doing dishes when he comes home with a bunch of his coworkers to celebrate his return. Ellie is not happy about this and tells him that she has nothing to prepare for their party. He tells her that she doesn't need to prepare anything and in walks Eichiro with food.