
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 15, Ep 85


Week 15: "We meet, only to part"

Episode 85 (1/12/2015)

Massan's mother, Sanae, has passed away. Massan visits her alter and as he looks at the whisky that is placed on it, he thinks back to her refusing to drink it. Massan's father, Masashi, is there with him and tells him that she was actually quite supportive of his whisky dream and would even secretly drink the whisky. 

Recap - Massan Week 14, Ep 84


Week 14: "There is kindness to be found everywhere"

Episode 84 (1/10/2015)

Sanae becomes weaker and weaker as she nears the end of her struggle. She thanks her husband for taking care of their home and he tells her that he is proud that he could be married to her. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 14, Ep 83


Week 14: "There is kindness to be found everywhere"

Episode 83 (1/9/2015)

Massan is on a train heading for Hiroshima but the train is temporarily stopped. He complains to one of the train conductors and nearly gets in a fight with another passenger as he complains about the wait. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 14, Ep 82


Week 14: "There is kindness to be found everywhere"

Episode 82 (1/8/2015)

The party is continuing at Kumatora's home. Massan falls asleep but wakes when Kumatora's daughter, Hana, comes to give him a blanket. Massan asks Hana how long this party will go on and she responds saying that with so many people returning from being away from home, it will be pretty late. Hana tells her father that Massan has awoken and Kumatora formally introduces Massan to everyone. 

Recap - Massan Week 14, Ep 81


Week 14: "There is kindness to be found everywhere"

Episode 81 (1/7/2015)

Thanks to Ellie's hot toddy, Sanae's cough has calmed down a little and she appears to be getting a little bit better. Chikako takes this opportunity to convince her mother to finally accept Ellie as her daughter in law and have a wedding celebration but Sanae is still stubborn.

Recap - Massan Week 14, Ep 80


Week 14: "There is kindness to be found everywhere"

Episode 80 (1/6/2015)

Ellie has gone to Hiroshima after receiving a telegram that Massan's mother Sanae has become critically ill. The doctor mentions that Sanae's condition was quite critical but has since stabilized. Ellie and Emma greet her but Sanae asks where Massan is and Ellie apologizes that he couldn't make it yet because he is in Hokkaido.