
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 14, Ep 79


Week 14: "There is kindness to be found everywhere"

Episode 79 (1/5/2015)

Happy new year everyone! I will be going back to daily recaps from now on! If you find that you prefer weekly recaps over daily ones let me know. If I get enough feedback for either way, I may change permanently. Thanks!

Massan has been transfered to sales for their whisky while Eichiro is in charge of its production. Massan's challenge now is to promote their whisky and find people who will buy it. He is at Kohinobori talking with everyone about where to go and they tease him about not even having a fake smile to help his sales pitch.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 13


Week 13: "Haste makes waste"

Episode 73 - 78 (12/22/2014 - 12/27/2014)

In an attempt to catch up on recapping, recaps for week 12 and week 13 will be done in two weekly posts rather than single episode posts. Thanks! :)

It's November 1928 and four years have passed since the official opening of the Yamazaki Distillery. Emma has turned 4 years old and has quite the personality. She fights with Ellie and Massan about eating carrots, which she hates. One day, while Ellie is talking with her friends about Emma's eating habits, Emma comes up and asks to eat some candy but Ellie says that it is too close to dinner time, causing Emma to get upset and storm off. That night at dinner, Massan tells Ellie that he will get Emma to eat her carrots but instead he secretly offers to eat her carrots for her and is eventually caught by Ellie.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 12


Week 12: "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

Episode 67 - 72 (12/15/2014 - 12/20/2014)

In an attempt to catch up on recapping, recaps for week 12 and week 13 will be done in two weekly posts rather than single episode posts. Thanks! :)

Ellie is still in the hospital but Catherine comes by with lots of food that she made with Umeko and Momoko. Massan still hasn't returned to the hospital so they end up eating without him. As they are enjoying their dinner, Massan finally returns and begins to talk to Eichiro about work. Ellie tries to tell him that he doesn't need to continue taking time off, that he can return to work if he needs to but Massan says that it's not necessary. As they joke, Massan sees Ellie's smile and starts to tear up which both Eichiro and Catherine are quick to notice. Catherine asks if Eichiro will walk home with her and once they get to Massan and Ellie's home, she asks Eichiro if he is hiding anything. Back at the hospital, Ellie can also sense that something is wrong with Massan.