Week 14: "There is kindness to be found everywhere"
Episode 79 (1/5/2015)
Happy new year everyone! I will be going back to daily recaps from now on! If you find that you prefer weekly recaps over daily ones let me know. If I get enough feedback for either way, I may change permanently. Thanks!
Massan has been transfered to sales for their whisky while Eichiro is in charge of its production. Massan's challenge now is to promote their whisky and find people who will buy it. He is at Kohinobori talking with everyone about where to go and they tease him about not even having a fake smile to help his sales pitch.
Massan has been transfered to sales for their whisky while Eichiro is in charge of its production. Massan's challenge now is to promote their whisky and find people who will buy it. He is at Kohinobori talking with everyone about where to go and they tease him about not even having a fake smile to help his sales pitch.