
Friday, February 13, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 18, Ep 106


Week 18: "Distant yet so close is the relationship between man and woman"

Episode 106 (2/5/2015)

Hana tells Toshio that she likes him and asks him how he feels. He is so surprised by her confession that he can't find the words to respond right away but he then finally starts to tell her his life story. His father wasn't around growing up and his mother passed away 20 years ago leaving him with no knowledge about how a marriage or family life is supposed to be like.

Hana is not satisfied with his response and goes to leave but Toshio stops her and mumbles that he likes her too. Hana asks him to say it more clearly and Toshio finally asks her to be his wife with a big strong voice. Hana responds with "iya da (no way)" causing them to get into another one of their quarrels (which means that things between them are back to normal ;).

Later they go to talk to Kumatora and Toshio tries to greet him but Kumatora quickly tries to get away. Massan stops him and Toshio finally asks him for permission to marry Hana. Kumatora asks Hana if she is okay with it and then turns to Toshio and asks him if he is really ready to dedicate himself to Hana's happiness. Toshio responds that he is and Kumatora accepts.

They have a party to celebrate and Susumu asks Kumatora if it is really okay that Hana marries Toshio, who is not of Aizu heritage, but Kumatora tells him it's alright. Saburo also shows up with a gift in hand and it turns out to be Kamoi whisky. They taste it and find that it is very much like Kamoi Shop's style and is very easy to drink. Massan, however, has a dark expression on his face as he drinks the whisky.

Massan later drinks some of his Highland Celt whisky alone when Ellie comes to talk to him. Kamoi Shop continues to make more whisky products while Massan hasn't begun at all. Ellie tells him not to worry about their slow progress and that he doesn't need to rush things.

Kazuma then shows up to inform them that they have received a phone call from Kamoi Shop. Massan takes the call and after he silently hangs up the phone, he says with a solemn look that Eichiro has passed away, shocking Ellie beyond belief.

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