
Monday, February 9, 2015

Recap - Massan Week 18, Ep 103


Week 18: "Distant yet so close is the relationship between man and woman"

Episode 103 (2/2/2015)

Spring has finally come in Hokkaido and Massan's apple juice sales are doing well. Ellie and Emma have adjusted to their life in Hokkaido as well, and Toshio and Hana still argue over every little thing. Ellie stops their bickering as she begins to see what is really going on. 

Just then, two men in suits show up at the house with a serious look on their face. They are looking for Massan and Kazuma. One man complains that the apple juice has become cloudy in appearance and Kazuma explains that it is just the pectin in the juice and is no problem. The man then complains about the label getting moldy but Kazuma tells him that it does not affect the quality of the juice. Massan then interrupts and apologizes to the men but they say that they want to return their entire stock, and leave. 

Massan continues to receive returned juice and also faces troubles with getting product shipped to Tokyo and Osaka quickly; one of the downfalls he realizes of being so far away in Hokkaido. Ellie comes by to give Massan some encouragement and tells him that she would like to make apple jelly (jello for those of you who are from the USA).

Back at the barbershop, Kumatora and Susumu are playing shogi while tasting the apple juice. They both agree that the flavor is not the problem. Susumu voices his concern about the future of Massan's apple juice business and Kumatora says that production will be halted for a bit. Susumu then shows Kumatora something that we can't really see.

Toshio is pushing along a cart while talking to himself loud enough so that Hana can hear as he says that he wants to return to Hiroshima. Hana responds, however, saying that he just just return then. Toshio asks if she won't try to stop him and Hana jokingly acts as if she is trying to stop him. At that exact time, Ellie shows up and sees them, causing Hana to declare to her that she was just joking around, which disappoints Toshio.

Kumatora returns home and calls out for Hana. He sits her down and asks her if she has a special person in her life right now. When she says that she doesn't, he shows her a picture of a man who is currently looking for a wife. He is the oldest son from an apple orchard family in Aomori. He continues to say that he is a hardworking man who doesn't drink alcohol and he is tall enough to not even need a ladder when harvesting apples. He tells her not to answer now but to think about it. 

That night, Kazuma is talking with Massan about Hana's marriage proposal and Kazuma wonders if Kumatora really wants to push this marriage proposal or if he feels like he needs to. 

Meanwhile, Kumatora is supposed to be out fishing by himself, but when Ellie goes out back, she sees him drinking alone upstairs with a concerned look on his face. 

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