Week 16: "Home is wherever one lays one's hat"
Episode 91 - 96 (1/19/2015 - 1/24/2015)
Massan, Ellie, and Emma arrive in Hokkaido. Massan takes them up a mountain in Yoichi to show Ellie how much the land resembles that of Scotland.
Massan, Ellie, and Emma arrive at Kumatora's home, where Kumatora is currently chasing someone away. He finally notices Massan and his family and is surprised to see Ellie and their daughter. Ellie is clearly frightened by Kumatora and before saying anything else, she tells him in English "If you ever harm Emma, I'll never forgive you." Massan tells Kumatora that she said that Hokkaido is a really great place. She tells Massan that that is not what she said, and Massan interprets for Kumatora again saying that she said he was a handsome man, especially his eyebrows.
They finally settle down and introduce themselves to each other properly. Kumatora explains to Massan that the fishermen have all left because it is not herring fishing season right now.
At a local barber, the barber is with a customer named Susumu Nishida who is talking with another man about about Kumatora's inability to pay his debt. He also learns from the other man, Takei, that Kumatora has a foreigner visitor which catches his interest.
Meanwhile, Massan tells Kumatora that he came to Hokkaido to make whisky and asks him to introduce an apple orchard to him because he will start out making apple juice. Kumatora tells him not to worry, he is like a lord of this town. Massan then asks about Hana, Kumatora's daughter, who we find is currently working with Kazuma (his son) harvesting apples.
Susumu returns home which turns out to be the apple orchard that Hana and Kazuma are working at and he tells that that it seems they have a strange guest at their home. They rush home to see who it is and Hana is surprised to see Massan. Kazuma on the other hand leaves quickly. Kumatora asks them to prepare dinner and they have a feast of local dishes while Kazuma stays in his room studying.
The next day, Ellie and Massan set out to meet various people regarding their plans while Kumatora watches Emma. Kumatora tells them to mention his name as a reference but once they do, the people brush them off claiming they don't know the name or just shooing them away without any explanation. They are walking in an apple orchard and find Hana and Kazuma working. They also find Susumu and introduce themselves to him but he already knows about them and refuses to help them out. Susumu tells them of Kumatora's debt and warns them not to get involved with him and return to where they came from.
They return home and find Susumu already there and arguing with Kumatora about his debts and what he is planning with Massan and Ellie. Kumatora insists that he can repay his debts but Susumu has had enough. After Susumu leaves, Kumatora asks Massan to lend him money but Massan says that he can't. Finally Kazuma, who has been watching everything, speaks up and tells his father to get himself together and Kumatora leaves. Kazuma explains to Massan that the herring catch has been low the past two years, so they cannot rely on that anymore for income. He then suggests that Massan buy their land from them which causes Hana to worry about what will happen with their father then.
The next day Massan has made up his mind and goes to see Susumu. Susumu tells him of the hardships that his own father had to endure and shows him around the orchard, pointing out a tree that has been there for 35 years. He tells Massan of the history of the Aizu and how they were forced to Hokkaido to become farmers but faced many challenges. He continues to tell Massan that if he is not 100% determined to succeed then he should just return home.
Massan ponders this while Ellie is back at the house looking at pictures up on the wall. Kumatora tells her about his wife. Her family was against their marriage but after Kumatora left to become a fisherman in Aomori, Akita, and Yamagata and came back to Yoichi where herring was still abundant, they eventually married anyway. Ellie tells him that his wife must have loved him very much. However, Kumatora tells her that she passed away due to illness before their house was even built. He worked so hard so that they could live happily...
Massan has been thinking about what Susumu told him when Ellie shows up. Massan explains his worries and wonders if they should leave but Ellie doesn't want to leave. She wants to help Kumatora and his family reconcile their issues.
Meanwhile, Susumu and Takei visit Kumatora's house and call out to Kazuma who comes down with the deed to the house in his hand. Kazuma hands the deed to Takei which causes Kumatora to go crazy with rage as he gets out a sword any starts to chase after Takei. Massan shows up and sees what is going on and gets Kumatora to settle down. Kazuma yells at his father after Takei leaves giving him 3 more days, and he and Susumu point out how Kumatora has destroyed his and Hana's lives as they both had to give up their dreams. Kazuma continues to blame his father for his mother's death and Massan stop things from becoming physical.
Ellie then says that Kumatora was doing his best to take care of his wife and that the real reason he doesn't want to give up this house is for her and his love for her. However, Kumatora says that is not true, he couldn't make his wife happy, and so he wants to keep the house so his children would always have a place to call home. He then turns to Massan and hands him the deed asking him to continue his dream for him.
Massan takes the deed and tells Kumatora that he promises to take good care of the land. Massan and Ellie then lower their heads and bow to Susumu, asking that he sell his apples to them, and Kumatora even joins in the bowing, which surprises Susumu. Susumu finally agrees on the condition that they only make delicious apple juice. After he leaves, Massan asks everyone to help him with his juice/whisky venture.
We fast forward to one year later and the factory is complete and Massan has hired eight additional employees. They have left the original house as it was but have built a new home for themselves called the "Ellie House."
Toshio even arrives to help out but when he learns that Massan is making apple juice, he just about turns around to go home. However, before he can leave, Hana comes into the room causing him to run into her making him bashful in front of her as he tries to introduce himself.
That night everyone celebrates as they look forward to the days and years ahead of them.
Massan, Ellie, and Emma arrive in Hokkaido. Massan takes them up a mountain in Yoichi to show Ellie how much the land resembles that of Scotland.
Massan, Ellie, and Emma arrive at Kumatora's home, where Kumatora is currently chasing someone away. He finally notices Massan and his family and is surprised to see Ellie and their daughter. Ellie is clearly frightened by Kumatora and before saying anything else, she tells him in English "If you ever harm Emma, I'll never forgive you." Massan tells Kumatora that she said that Hokkaido is a really great place. She tells Massan that that is not what she said, and Massan interprets for Kumatora again saying that she said he was a handsome man, especially his eyebrows.
They finally settle down and introduce themselves to each other properly. Kumatora explains to Massan that the fishermen have all left because it is not herring fishing season right now.
At a local barber, the barber is with a customer named Susumu Nishida who is talking with another man about about Kumatora's inability to pay his debt. He also learns from the other man, Takei, that Kumatora has a foreigner visitor which catches his interest.
Meanwhile, Massan tells Kumatora that he came to Hokkaido to make whisky and asks him to introduce an apple orchard to him because he will start out making apple juice. Kumatora tells him not to worry, he is like a lord of this town. Massan then asks about Hana, Kumatora's daughter, who we find is currently working with Kazuma (his son) harvesting apples.
Susumu returns home which turns out to be the apple orchard that Hana and Kazuma are working at and he tells that that it seems they have a strange guest at their home. They rush home to see who it is and Hana is surprised to see Massan. Kazuma on the other hand leaves quickly. Kumatora asks them to prepare dinner and they have a feast of local dishes while Kazuma stays in his room studying.
The next day, Ellie and Massan set out to meet various people regarding their plans while Kumatora watches Emma. Kumatora tells them to mention his name as a reference but once they do, the people brush them off claiming they don't know the name or just shooing them away without any explanation. They are walking in an apple orchard and find Hana and Kazuma working. They also find Susumu and introduce themselves to him but he already knows about them and refuses to help them out. Susumu tells them of Kumatora's debt and warns them not to get involved with him and return to where they came from.
They return home and find Susumu already there and arguing with Kumatora about his debts and what he is planning with Massan and Ellie. Kumatora insists that he can repay his debts but Susumu has had enough. After Susumu leaves, Kumatora asks Massan to lend him money but Massan says that he can't. Finally Kazuma, who has been watching everything, speaks up and tells his father to get himself together and Kumatora leaves. Kazuma explains to Massan that the herring catch has been low the past two years, so they cannot rely on that anymore for income. He then suggests that Massan buy their land from them which causes Hana to worry about what will happen with their father then.
The next day Massan has made up his mind and goes to see Susumu. Susumu tells him of the hardships that his own father had to endure and shows him around the orchard, pointing out a tree that has been there for 35 years. He tells Massan of the history of the Aizu and how they were forced to Hokkaido to become farmers but faced many challenges. He continues to tell Massan that if he is not 100% determined to succeed then he should just return home.
Massan ponders this while Ellie is back at the house looking at pictures up on the wall. Kumatora tells her about his wife. Her family was against their marriage but after Kumatora left to become a fisherman in Aomori, Akita, and Yamagata and came back to Yoichi where herring was still abundant, they eventually married anyway. Ellie tells him that his wife must have loved him very much. However, Kumatora tells her that she passed away due to illness before their house was even built. He worked so hard so that they could live happily...
Massan has been thinking about what Susumu told him when Ellie shows up. Massan explains his worries and wonders if they should leave but Ellie doesn't want to leave. She wants to help Kumatora and his family reconcile their issues.
Meanwhile, Susumu and Takei visit Kumatora's house and call out to Kazuma who comes down with the deed to the house in his hand. Kazuma hands the deed to Takei which causes Kumatora to go crazy with rage as he gets out a sword any starts to chase after Takei. Massan shows up and sees what is going on and gets Kumatora to settle down. Kazuma yells at his father after Takei leaves giving him 3 more days, and he and Susumu point out how Kumatora has destroyed his and Hana's lives as they both had to give up their dreams. Kazuma continues to blame his father for his mother's death and Massan stop things from becoming physical.
Ellie then says that Kumatora was doing his best to take care of his wife and that the real reason he doesn't want to give up this house is for her and his love for her. However, Kumatora says that is not true, he couldn't make his wife happy, and so he wants to keep the house so his children would always have a place to call home. He then turns to Massan and hands him the deed asking him to continue his dream for him.
Massan takes the deed and tells Kumatora that he promises to take good care of the land. Massan and Ellie then lower their heads and bow to Susumu, asking that he sell his apples to them, and Kumatora even joins in the bowing, which surprises Susumu. Susumu finally agrees on the condition that they only make delicious apple juice. After he leaves, Massan asks everyone to help him with his juice/whisky venture.
We fast forward to one year later and the factory is complete and Massan has hired eight additional employees. They have left the original house as it was but have built a new home for themselves called the "Ellie House."
Toshio even arrives to help out but when he learns that Massan is making apple juice, he just about turns around to go home. However, before he can leave, Hana comes into the room causing him to run into her making him bashful in front of her as he tries to introduce himself.
That night everyone celebrates as they look forward to the days and years ahead of them.
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